Graduation and Retention Rates

USC Six-Year Graduation Rate over Time (*slide across years to see trend over time) The upper panel shows 2014-2023 USC overall 6-year graduation rate (blue). It also includes the rate for females (orange), males (red), first-generation (IGEN, light blue) students, and Pell grant-recipients (PELL, green) and under-representative minority (URM, yellow: Includes Black, Hispanic, American Indian/Native American, and Pacific Islander).

Additionally, the lower panel breaks-out our freshman cohorts into subgroups; divisions are created along whether Pell grant money has been awarded, and gender. The percentage of each category that is IGEN is denoted by color. Specifically, percentages equal to, or higher than, 20% are shown in blue while percentages below 20% are green. The lower the percentage, the denser the green color. The higher the percentage, the denser the blue color.

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*this visualization is inspired by the work of Michael Ferguson and Jon Daries at the MIT IR office.